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Colin Pardoe
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02 6248 7337
0428 692 798
16 Hackett Gardens
Professional Details
Colin Pardoe Bio-Anthropology & Archaeology
* BSc, University of Toronto* MA, University of Manitoba* PhD, Australian National University
Skeletal analysis - anywhere; field archaeology - Murray Darling Basin
Full Member, Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists Inc. nMember, Australian Archaeological Association Inc. nPresident, Australian Archaeological Association Inc. (1998-2001) npast member, American Association of Physical Anthropology nMember, Australasian Society for Human Biology nMember, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
Pardoe, C. 2013. Report on the study in Jabiru of the skeletons excavated from the Madjedbebe rock shelter. Report to Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation.

Pardoe, C. 2013. Cowal Gold Mine Extension Modification Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment. Report to Barrick (Cowal) Limited. July 2013.

Pardoe, C. 2013. Examination of skeletal remains from Shallow Inlet Beach, Gippsland Victoria. Report to: Gippsland Heritage Team Bairnsdale VIC. January 2013.

Pardoe, C. 2012. Peer Review of Atlas-Campaspe Mineral Sands Project: Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment, carried out by Niche Environment and Heritage Pty Ltd for the proponent Cristal Mining Australia Limited.

Pardoe, C. 2012. Structured Cultural Heritage Monitoring Program at Lake Victoria, New South Wales. Report for Murray Darling Basin Authority, Scientific Review Panel, Lake Victoria.

Pardoe, C. 2012. Expert Assessment and Documentation of Skeletal Remains at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery; report describing the remains, with analyses to determine place of origin. Volume 2: Description of skeletal remains. Report to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. October 2012.

Pardoe, C. 2012. Provenancing analysis of skeletal remains held at the Department of Anatomy, University of Melbourne. Report to the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology; Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, the University of Melbourne. March 2012.

Pardoe, C. 2011. Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment, Cowal Augmentation Project. Report to Barrick (Cowal) Limited.

Pardoe, C. 2010b. Narrabri to Wellington Gas Pipeline Project Cultural Heritage assessment. Report to CNC Project Management, August 2010.

Pardoe, C. 2010a. Young to Wellington Gas Pipeline Cultural Heritage Assessment and Consultation. Report to ERM Power Pty Ltd.

Pardoe, C. 2009a. Archaeological Investigations at Lake Cowal. Report to Barrick Gold of Australia Limited.

Pardoe, C. 2009b. Archaeological Excavations at Lake Cowal. Report to Barrick Gold of Australia Limited.

Pardoe, C. 2009c. Assessment of unprovenanced skeletal remains at Museum Victoria: Expert Assessment and documentation of unprovenanced skeletal remains held by Museum Victoria, Melbourne. Report to the Indigenous Cultures Department, Museum Victoria, Melbourne. August 2009.

Pardoe, C. 2008. Gunbower Island Archaeology: Preliminary Cultural Heritage Assessment and Consultation, The Living Murray Initiative Gunbower Koondrook Perricoota Icon Site Upper Forest Channel Option. Report prepared for Department of Sustainability and Environment, Bendigo, Victoria.

Pardoe, C. 2008. Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Project, Supply Systems 3 (Birchip) and 4 (Wycheproof) Cultural Heritage Management Plan. Report to GWM Water, Horsham, Victoria.

PARDOE, C. 2006. Australian Indigenous Skeletal Remains from the Edinburgh Collection with No Recorded Place of Origin: Expert Assessment, Documentation and Biometric Analysis to Determine Place of Origin of Unprovenanced Skeletal Remains Collected before 1905, and Temporarily Held by the National Museum of Australia, Canberra. Unpublished report to the Repatriation Unit, National Museum of Australia.

PARDOE, C. 2006. Advice and Assistance in Relation to LEC Proceedings 30073 of 2005. Unpublished report to the Minister, New South Wales Department of Environment and Conservation.

PARDOE, C. 2006. Independent Review of Heritage Activities at Alcoa World Alumina, Pinjarra, WA. Unpublished report to Alcoa World Alumina Australia, Pinjarra WA.

PARDOE, C. 2005. Cadia East Study Area Cultural Heritage Survey. Unpublished report to Cadia Holdings Pty Ltd.

PARDOE, C. 2005. Kaurna Skeletal Remains Returned from Edinburgh: Expert Assessment and Documentation of Kaurna Skeletal Remains, Collected by W.R. Smith, and Temporarily Held by the National Museum of Australia, Canberra. Unpublished report to the Repatriation Unit, National Museum of Australia.

PARDOE, C. 2004. Temora to Cowal Gold Project Electricity Transmission Line Cultural Heritage Survey. Unpublished report to Country Energy.

PARDOE, C. 2004. Skeletal Remains from the Berry Collection. Unpublished report to the Anatomy Department, University of Melbourne.

PARDOE, C. 2004. Investigation of Reported Archaeological Sites in the Hindmarsh Marina Development Area. Unpublished report to the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, South Australia.
Pardoe, C. 2014. Conflict and Territoriality in Aboriginal Australia: evidence from Biology and Ethnography. In Violence and Warfare among Hunter-Gatherers, edited by Mark W. Allen and Terry L. Jones. Left Coast Press: California.Pardoe, C. 2013. Repatriation, research and reburial: rhetoric and practice in Australia. In Burial Archaeology, edited by S. Tarlow and L. Ullmann, pp 733-761. Oxford University Press: Oxford.Pardoe, C. and S. Martin. 2011. Murrumbidgee Province Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study. Australian Archaeological Consultancy Monograph Series, Vol 4.Pardoe, C. 2010. Global human variation: polarised positions and alternative perspectives. Before Farming [online version] 2010/3 article 3: 1-21.PARDOE, C. 2006. Becoming Australian: Evolutionary processes that structure biological variation from origin to modern times. Before Farming 2006(1):Article 4.PARDOE, C. 2004. Australian biological anthropology for archaeologists. In T. Murray (ed.), Archaeology from Australia, pp.131-150. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.PARDOE, C. 2003. The Menindee Lakes: A regional archaeology. Australian Archaeology 47:42-53.PARDOE, C. 2003. Return of Ngarrindjeri Skeletal Remains: Expert Assessment and Documentation of Ngarrindjeri Skeletal Remains, Collected by W.R. Smith in 1906, and Held by the National Museum of Australia, Canberra. Unpublished report to the Repatriation Unit, National Museum of Australia.PARDOE, C. 2002. Expert Assessment and Documentation of Larrakia Skeletal Remains Collected by W.R. Smith in 1906, and held by the National Museum of Australia, Canberra. Unpublished report to the Repatriation Unit, National Museum of Australia, Canberra.PARDOE, C. 2002. Notes on the Identification, Expert Assessment and Documentation of Aboriginal Skeletal Remains from Baldina Creek, Redbank Conservation Area, South Australia. Unpublished report to the National Parks & Wildlife Service, South Australia.PARDOE, C. 2002. Expert Assessment and Documentation of Larrakia Skeletal Remains Collected by W.R. Smith in 1906. Unpublished report to the Repatriation Unit, National Museum of Australia.PARDOE, C. and S. Martin 2002. The Nature and Distribution of Archaeology at the Menindee Lakes. Unpublished report to the Department of Land & Water Conservation, New South Wales.Tacon, P.S.C. and C. PARDOE 2002. Dogs make us human. Australian Natural History.PARDOE, C. 2001. Who were the first Australians? In B.M. Fagan (ed.), The Seventy Great Mysteries of the Ancient World. London: Thames & Hudson.PARDOE, C. 2001. Individuation, Expert Assessment and Documentation of Aboriginal Skeletal Remains from a Site at Cavan, held by the Department of State Aboriginal Affairs, South Australia. Unpublished report to the Department of State Aboriginal Affairs, South Australia.PARDOE, C. and S. Martin 2001. Murrumbidgee Province Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study. Unpublished report to the National Parks & Wildlife Service, New South Wales.PARDOE, C. 2000. Lake Baker Burial Protection Project. Unpublished report to Aboriginal Affairs Victoria and North West Regional Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Program (NWRACHP).PARDOE, C. 2000. Dry Plain Mounds: Reburial of the Skeletal Remains: 2000. Unpublished report to Aboriginal Affairs Victoria.PARDOE, C. 1999. Determination and Documentation of Skeletal Remains Disturbed by Roadworks at Saltia Creek, near Quorn SA.PARDOE, C. 1998. The cemetery as symbol: The distribution of Aboriginal burial grounds in southeastern Australia. In T. Murray (ed.), Archaeology of Aboriginal Australia: A Reader, pp.182-210. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.PARDOE, C. 1996. Dogs changed the world. The National Dingo News, spring edition.PARDOE, C. 1995. Lazarus and the Mayfly: Concepts of time and social relations of science in the study of ancient human remains. In L.M. Walker (ed.), 600,000 hours (mortality), pp.77-84. Adelaide: Experimental Art Foundation.PARDOE, C. 1995. Riverine, biological and cultural evolution in southeastern Australia. Antiquity 69(265):696-713.PARDOE, C. 1994. Bioscapes: The evolutionary landscape of Australia. Archaeology in Oceania 29:182-190.PARDOE, C. 1994. W(h)ither archaeology. Australian Archaeology 38:11-13.PARDOE, C. 1993. Wamba Yadu, a later Holocene cemetery of the central River Murray. Archaeology in Oceania 28:77-84.PARDOE, C. 1992. Arches of radii, corridors of power: Reflections on current archaeological practice. In B. Attwood and J. Arnold (eds), Power, Knowledge and Aborigines, pp.132-141. Bundoora, VIC: La Trobe University Press.PARDOE, C. 1991. Competing paradigms and ancient human remains: The state of the discipline. Archaeology in Oceania 26:79-85.PARDOE, C. 1991. Isolation and evolution in Tasmania. Current Anthropology 32:1-21.PARDOE, C. 1991. The eye of the storm: The study of Aboriginal human remains in Australia. Journal of Indigenous Studies 2:16-23.PARDOE, C. and D. Donlon 1991. The Roth Collection and Other Aboriginal Skeletal Remains from the Keppel Islands and the Central Coast of Queensland. Unpublished report to the Australian Museum.PARDOE, C. 1990. The demographic basis of human evolution in southeastern Australia. In B. Meehan and N. White (eds), Hunter-Gatherer Demography, pp.59-70. Oceania Monograph 39. Sydney: Oceania Monographs.PARDOE, C. 1990. Sharing the past: Aboriginal influence on archaeological practice, a case study from New South Wales. Aboriginal History 14:208-223.PARDOE, C. 1989. Archaeology of the Western Lindsay Island Meander Scroll. Report to the Victoria Archaeological Survey.PARDOE, C. 1984. Prehistoric Human Morphological Variation in Australia. Unpublished PhD thesis, Department of Prehistory, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, Canberra.
analysis of human skeletal remains
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