Profile Details
Fiona Leslie
Contact Details
0412 468 950
92 Douglas Street
Professional Details
Mountains Heritage
* Bachelor of Arts Honours (B.A. Hons), Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Sydney (2000)* Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) & Bachelor of Arts (B.A) Majoring in Plant Ecology and Anthropology, University of Queensland (1995 - 1998)
Australia-wide; anytime
Full Member Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists Inc.nMember of the Australian Society of Historical ArchaeologistsnFull International Member of ICOMOS
With over 18 years experience working on a range of small and large archaeological projects in NSW, Qld and Tasmania Fiona can assist with the management of both Aboriginal and historical archaeological sites. As an experienced heritage professional, Fiona has worked for a range of private and public sector clients and is dedicated to preparing high quality reports that fulfil legislative requirements. Fiona prides herself on the quality of her work and her ability to complete small and large scale projects within tight timeframes and within budget. She particularly enjoys directing small and large archaeological projects, liaising with clients and consulting with local Aboriginal community groups.
Parkes, R., et al. (2018) Ruined castle shale mining settlement, Katoomba NSW: report on a pilot survey, Australasian Historical Archaeology 36: 86-92.
URBAN AND RURAL HISTORIC SITES - site survey, site recording, historical research, excavation, Historical archaeological assessment reports, Excavation permit applications and excavation reports
ABORIGINAL SITES - site survey, site recording, excavation, GIS, Aboriginal community consultation, Aboriginal heritage impact assessment reports, Excavation permit applications and excavation reports
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