Profile Details
David Mott
Contact Details
0418 808 795
PO Box 225
Professional Details
Integrated Heritage Services Pty Ltd
David has been working in the field of Aboriginal and European historic cultural heritage management for over twenty years. He has extensive experience in heritage management for large-scale complex and sensitive projects, fieldwork and research, analysis of finds, report writing and editing.

David maintains long term working relationships with many Aboriginal heritage organisations in South Australia and he is currently involved in a great deal of work in Western Australia in relation to Aboriginal cultural heritage management.

Specifically in relation to oil, gas and mining, David has delivered cultural heritage management services including heritage surveys and reports, archaeological salvage and impact mitigation programs, cultural heritage management plans and audits, GIS spatial analysis and mapping, and expert heritage advice for major resource development projects such as the Woodside Pluto Project and NWSJV gas processing plant extensions on the Pilbara Coast, Rio Tinto Iron Ore, Hancock Prospecting, Fortescue Metal Group iron ore mining and infrastructure development projects in the southern Pilbara as well as many mineral exploration programs in South Australia.

As a consultant David has provided similar services for Indigenous corporations representing traditional landowners and native title / heritage groups such as Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjantjara (central Australia), Martidja Banyjima (southern Pilbara), Kokatha, Nukunu and Barngarla (central SA), Narungga, Ngadjuri, Kaurna, Peramangk and Ngarrindjeri (southern SA), as well as many others.

Outside of mining and Indigenous organisations clients include International, National and Local Commercial Corporations, Commonwealth, State and Local Government Agencies and Legal Firms. Some of these include the Burrup Service Corridors (DOIR, WA), Perth water supply extensions (Watercorp WA), Adelaide and SA regional water supplies (SA Water), roads and rail (Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure e.g Seaford Rail extension), wind farm developments (Pacific Hydro, Hydro Tasmania, Trust Power (NZ), Transfield Services and many others), Electricity supply infrastructure (Electranet, ETSA), and many major urban planning and development projects for State and Local Government and commercial development projects.
Numerous consultant report - a list available on request
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