I have been active within the Australian archaeological discipline for over 32 years and have worked in the field of consulting archaeology for over 30 years. In that time I have been involved in over 1500 projects.
I have a broad-based archaeological background and organisational skills supplemented by wide-ranging experience in Cultural Resource Management.
As a director of Navin Officer Heritage Consultants Pty Ltd I have carried out projects on behalf of Federal, State and ACT government departments, Shire
and City Councils, private developers and statutory authorities.
Projects have involved stakeholder consultation and liaison, archival research and recording, site survey, Aboriginal and historical test and salvage excavation, and detailed recording of Aboriginal rock art.
Projects have include Preliminary Heritage Assessments (ACT), Archaeological Assessments, Heritage Studies, Plans of Management, Statements of Heritage Impact, Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Assessments, Reviews of Environmental Factors, Local Environmental Studies, Greenfield Heritage Studies and Planning Studies,
Studies have been conducted for residential, commercial and industrial developments, major highways, roads and bridge developments, water supply schemes (including major dams and pipelines), sewerage schemes, coal mines, quarries, tunnels, airports and airfields, ports, marinas and boat harbours, tourist and recreation developments, ski field infrastructure, transmission lines and power stations, wind farms, sand dune stabilisation projects and military establishments.