Profile Details
Neale Draper
Assoc. Prof.
Contact Details
0408 657 544
0408 657 544
PO Box 366
Professional Details
Neale Draper & Associates Pty Ltd.
* BA (Hons Anthrop) University of QLD 1978* MA (Anthrop) University of New Mexico 1983* PhD (Anthrop) University of New Mexico 1992
throughout Australia and international
Principal Heritage Consultant, Neale Draper & Associates Pty Ltd.nAssociate Professor, Archaeology, Flinders University of South Australian(formerly CEO & Principal Heritage Consultant Australian Cultural Heritage )Management Pty Ltd. (1999-2015)nFellow Australian Anthropological SocietynMember Australian Archaeological AssociationnFull Member Australian Association of Consulting ArchaeologistsnInternational Member, ICOMOSnExpert Member ICOMOS International Committee for Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM)nExpert Member ICOMOS International Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICICH)nContributing Member ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Cultural Landscapes (ISCCL)nMember, Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committees for Cultural Landscapes & Cultural Routes (NSC-CLCR) and Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH).
Associate Professor Neale Draper (BA Hons, MA, PhD) is the principal heritage consultant of Neale Draper & Associates Pty Ltd and formerly the CEO and Principal Heritage Consultant of Australian Cultural Heritage Management Pty Ltd (ACHM). Neale has more than 35 years of experience in cultural heritage management (government, industry, and community-based) and as a researcher, academic, and expert witness in the fields of anthropology and archaeology. He has worked on significant cultural heritage projects with indigenous people throughout Australia, and in the USA, Mongolia and Taiwan.
This wide-ranging experience throughout Australia and internationally includes: lecturing in Aboriginal studies, anthropology and archaeology; eight years as senior archaeologist, staff anthropologist, and Heritage Inspector (SA Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988) for State Aboriginal Affairs South Australia, consultancy work in cultural heritage management and assessment, anthropology, archaeology, native title and cultural tourism; several expert-witness/expert-report engagements in the Federal Court of Australia (including native title), and various state and local jurisdictions. Neale has produced Native Title expert reports in SA, WA, NSW VIC and QLD.
Professor Draper is the deputy chairperson of the Commonwealth Government’s Lake Victoria Advisory Committee for the Murray Darling Basin Authority.
Neale is an Associate Professor (Academic Level D) in the School of Humanities (Department of Archaeology), Faculty of Education, Humanities and Law, at the Flinders University of South Australia in Adelaide.
Neale is an International member of UNESCO’s International Committee on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). He is also a member of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committees on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM), Cultural Landscapes (ISCCL) and Intangible cultural Heritage (ICICH), as well as the ICOMOS Australia National Scientific Committee for Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes (NSC-CLCR) and Membership Secretary of the NSC for Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH). He also serves on the Membership Committee of the Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists, Inc.
Since 2000, Assoc. Prof. Neale Draper has written, co-authored, supervised and/ or edited more than 500 professional cultural heritage survey and research, and expert assessment (including Native Title) reports through ACHM and Neale Draper & Associates. He has also presented papers at leading international and national scientific conferences and Industry forums. A short selection from these reports and papers as well as other publications is listed below.2015 Australia ICOMOS FABRIC Conference Keynote Presentation: Indigenous cultural heritage management in Australia – sustaining the cultural fabric of living peoples and landscapes. Adelaide, 8 November 2015.2015 WAD6064/1998 Raymond William Ashwin & Others v the State of Western Australia & Others (Wutha) Final Anthropology Connection Report. Expert Report prepared for the Wutha Native Title Claim Group and the Federal Court of Australia, Perth.2015 Archaeological Report: Lake Torrens Overlap Proceedings SAD 90/2009: Kokatha Native Title Claimants. Expert Report prepared for SA Native Title Services Ltd., Adelaide.2015 Aboriginal Heritage Management and Native Title. Training Seminar produced for and presented to National Native title Tribunal case managers, Australia-wide.2015 Recording Traditional Kaurna Cultural Values in Adelaide – the Survival of Aboriginal Cultural Traditions within an Australian Capital City. Historic Environment Special Edition: Imagined Cities and Urban Landscapes.2015 Islands of the Dead? Prehistoric occupation of Kangaroo Island and other southern offshore islands and watercraft use by Aboriginal Australians. Quaternary International.2014 WAD6064/1998 Raymond William Ashwin & Others v the State of Western Australia & Others (Wutha) Draft Anthropology Connection Report. Expert Report prepared for the Wutha Native Title Claim Group and the Federal Court of Australia, Perth.2014 Kaurna Yerta: The Survival of an Aboriginal Cultural Landscape in a modern Australian City. ICOMOS 18 General Assembly, Florence. Symposium 2 on Heritage and Landscape as Human Values: Landscape as Cultural Habitat (in press)2014 Not Lost or Forgotten: the survival of Indigenous Cultural Heritage in an Australian City. Paper presented to the 20th Conference of the Indo Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA), Siem Reap, Cambodia.2013 Naley Family Connection to the South Australian Nullarbor Coastal Region. Native Title Anthropology Expert Report, Campbell Law, Adelaide.2013 Recording Traditional Cultural Values in Australian Cultural Heritage Management. Paper presented to the International ICOMOS Conference 2013: Imagined Pasts, Imagined Futures, Canberra.2013 Islands of the Dead? Symposium on the Aboriginal Archaeology and Anthropology of Australian Islands, Queensland Museum, Brisbane. 2013 Cultural Heritage Management for Major Projects – expensive hurdle or productive opportunity? Paper presented to the Expotrade Major Projects Industry Conferences in Adelaide (July), Perth (September), and Darwin (November).2013 A Future for the Past – Two Examples of Archaeological Heritage Management & Community Development in the Pilbara Resources Boom, Western Australia. Paper Presented to the 7th World Archaeological Congress, Dead Sea, Jordan.2012 Managing Archaeological Heritage in the Pilbara Resources Boom, Western Australia. Paper Presented to the 1st Conference of the International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICOMOS), Cusco, Peru.2011 Anthropological Assessment of Kokatha Cultural Heritage within the Nurrungar Prohibited Area, South Australia. (with Andrew Morley). Report prepared by ACHM for GML, Sydney and Department of Defence, Canberra.2011 McRae, R.T., M.G. Lockley, P.W. Haines, & N. Draper. Palaeontology Survey of the Broome Sandstone – Browse LNG Precinct Report. Department of State Development, Government of Western Australia, Perth.2010-2011 Expert Cultural Heritage Advice, Cultural Heritage Surveys and assessments. Woodside Energy Browse LNG Project, Kimberley Region Western Australia (multiple authors & reports).2010 Anthropologist’s Report. Martu Idja Banyjima Native Title Application WAD6096/98. Expert Report prepared by Australian Cultural Heritage Management Pty Ltd for the Federal Court of Australia, Perth.2010 Keynote Speaker and Expert Discussant on Cultural Heritage Management, International Symposium on Global Climate Change and Cultural Property Conservation, Tainan City Taiwan. 2010 Will the Future Have a Past? Cultural Heritage Policy and Management for Global Climate Change. In International Symposium on Global Climate Change and Cultural Property Conservation: Conference Proceedings, edited by Ping-Sheng Wu. Taiwan Cultural Heritage Council for Cultural Affairs, Taipei.2010 & 2013 Graduate Masterclass Seminar: Serving as an Expert Witness: What Every Archaeologist and Heritage Consultant Needs to Know. Department of Archaeology, Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide.2004-2010 Service contract to provide cultural heritage management surveys and assessments, expert anthropology services, Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Aboriginal Lands, north-western South Australia (multiple reports & authors).2001- 2010 Cultural Heritage surveys, Cultural Heritage Management Expert Advice, Native Title Research and Reporting, Kokatha Mula & Kokatha Uwankara Heritage & Native Title Claim Groups, Northern South Australia (multiple reports & authors).2000- 2010 Cultural Heritage surveys, Cultural Heritage Management Expert Advice, Native Title Research and Reporting, Kaurna Heritage & Native Title Claim Group, Adelaide Region, South Australia (multiple reports & authors).2006-2010 Cultural Heritage surveys, Cultural Heritage Management Expert Advice, Native Title Research and Reporting, Martidja Banyjima Native Title Claim Group, Pilbara Region, Western Australia (multiple reports & authors).2007 Kokatha Native Title Claim (SAD 6013/1998) - Expert Anthropology Report (with Fiona Sutherland & Linda Williams). ACHM, Adelaide.2007 Woodside North West Shelf Joint Venture Leases Cultural Heritage Audit, Burrup Peninsula, Western Australia (multiple authors).2006 Mid-Holocene hunters of Kangaroo Island: the perspective from Cape du Couedic Rock Shelter. In An Archaeological Life: Essays in Honour of Jay Hall, edited by S. Ulm and I. Lilley, Pp27-46. University of Queensland Press, Brisbane.2006-2012 ACHM Cultural Heritage Survey Reports and Archaeological & ethnographic Research and Salvage Program Reports, Rio Tinto Iron Ore Hope Downs Project, Pilbara Region, Western Australia (multiple reports & authors).2001- 2005 ACHM Cultural Heritage Survey and Assessment Reports for the Woodside North West Shelf Venture Project Gas Plant 2nd Trunkline, and Train 4 & 5 Projects, Burrup Peninsula, Western Australia. (Multiple reports & authors).2004-5 Burrup Heritage Management Strategy. (with Network Economics Consulting Group, Canberra). Strategic Heritage management and planning report for the Western Australian Government.2001 Aboriginal Heritage Site Recording Standard. (with David Mott). Internationally referenced Review and recommendation Report for heritage site recording standards for the Department of Indigenous Affairs, Western Australia.2000 (Primary author & editor) Ngadju Claim Overview Report. Preliminary Native Title Expert Report prepared by ACHM for the Goldfields Land Council, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.2000 Expert Witness Statements & Testimony by Dr Neale Draper in the Australian Federal Court, Adelaide, in Thomas Lincoln Chapman, Wendy Jennifer Chapman, and Binalong Pty Ltd V. Luminis Pty Ltd, Deane Joanne Fergie, Cheryl Anne Saunders, Robert Edward Tickner, and Commonwealth of Australia (Action SG33 of 1997), for the first and second defendants, per Thomson Playford, Adelaide1999 The History of Aboriginal Land Use on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. In A Biological Survey of Kangaroo Island, edited by A. C. Robinson. Adelaide, Department of Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs1997 Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Native Title and the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Land Fund, regarding the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act. Expert Witness written Submission & oral Testimony, by invitation. Commonwealth Hansard1997 Cultural heritage management and tourism workshops & lectures, Taundi (Pt. Adelaide Aboriginal Community College), University of S.A. (Aboriginal Studies), & Flinders University (Cultural Tourism)1996 Answers to Questions to Dr. Neale Draper from the Commonwealth Hindmarsh Island (Mathews) Report. Adelaide, Camatta Lempens Pty Ltd (on behalf of the Ngarrindjeri Traditional Owners of Kumarangk)1996 Kumarangk (Hindmarsh Island, South Australia): Aboriginal Heritage Assessment. Confidential report prepared for the S.A. Department of State Aboriginal Affairs and the Ngarrindjeri Traditional Owners of the Lower Murray Region1995 Expert witness Statement and Testimony, S.A. Hindmarsh Island Bridge Royal Commission. Ward & Partners, Barristers & Solicitors, Adelaide1995 Bribie Island Haul Road, Environmental Management Plan: Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Anthropology Report. Report to Maunsell Pty. Ltd., Toowong, QLD1994 Aboriginal Heritage sites directly impacted by the Kumarangk (Hindmarsh Island) bridge project. A report to the South Australian Minister for Aboriginal Affairs. Adelaide, Department of State Aboriginal Affairs1993 (with D. Draper & T. Saunders) Aboriginal Cultural Tourism. A Sense of Place, Melbourne1993 (with K. McConnochie and T. Saunders) Aboriginal Heritage Survey of the Chambers Gorge Region: Preliminary Results. Adelaide, National Parks and Wildlife Service, and Kaurna Journal 1 (School of Aboriginal Studies, University of SA, Underdale)1991 Cape du Couedic Rockshelter and the Aboriginal Archaeology of Kangaroo Island, South Australia. PhD Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan1989 A Guide to the South Australian Aboriginal Heritage Act (1988). Aboriginal Heritage Branch, Department of Environment and Planning, Adelaide1989 Review of "Australian Aboriginal Paintings" (reprinted second edition), by E.J. Brandl (Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies). Australian Art Education1988 Stone Tools and Cultural Landscapes: Investigating the Archaeology of Kangaroo Island. South Australian Geographic Journal 88: 15-36 1988 (with R.B. Coles) Aboriginal History and Recently-Discovered Art. in the Mount Lofty Ranges. Torrens Valley Historical Journal 33: 2-421987 Context for the Kartan: a preliminary report on excavations at Cape du Couedic Rockshelter, Kangaroo Island. Archaeology in Oceania 22 (1): 1-81985 Mount Barker Summit: assessment of Aboriginal Heritage Significance. Consultancy report prepared for the S.A. Department of Housing and Construction and the Aboriginal Heritage Branch of the S.A. Department of Environment and Planning1985 Back to the drawing board: a simplified approach to lithic assemblage variability in the Early Palaeolithic. World Archaeology 17 (1): 3-191984 Review of "Adaptive Responses of Native Amazonians", edited by R.B. Hames and W.T. Vickers (Academic Press). Journal of Anthropological Research1982 (with J.B. Bertram) The Bones from Bis Sa'ani: a sociotechnic archaeofaunal analysis. In Bis Sa'ani: a Late Bonito Phase Community on Escavada Wash, Northwest New Mexico (Volume Three), edited by C.D. Breternitz, D.E. Doyel, and M.P. Marshall. Windowrock, Arizona, Navajo Nation Papers in Anthropology 14: 1015-10651982 (with M.R. Binford, W.H. Doleman, and K.B. Kelly) Anasazi and Navajo Archaeofauna. In Land Use in the McKinley Mine area near Gallup, New Mexico (Volume One), edited by C.G. Allen and B.A. Nelson. Office of Contract Archaeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, pages 448-5071978 A Model of Aboriginal Subsistence and Settlement in the Moreton Bay Region of Southeast Queensland. Unpublished B.A. (Honours) thesis, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Queensland
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