Profile Details
Paul Kucera
Contact Details
(03) 9386 4770
0412 171 321
Unit 11, 240 Sydney Road
Professional Details
Dr Vincent Clark Archaeology & Heritage
PhD (Monash University 2011);BA Hons (Monash University 2002)
Director, Qasr Dakhleh Project (Egypt);Full Member, Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists Inc;Member, Australian Archaeological Association;Member, The Egyptology Society of Victoria;Member, The Archaeological & Anthropological Society of Victoria Inc
Paul is a Senior Archaeologist/Project Manager and GIS Specialist at Dr Vincent Clark Archaeology & Heritage, a company with significant expertise in the identification, documentation and management of Australian Indigenous cultural heritage and historical heritage. He has over fifteen years of extensive field experience working on various archaeological projects in Australia, Egypt, and Italy, and has worked full-time in heritage consulting in Victoria since 2011.
Paul is actively engaged in all major projects undertaken by Dr Vincent Clark Archaeology & Heritage and is involved the preparation of cultural heritage management plans (CHMPs), cultural landscape conservation management plans (CMPs), historical projects, and heritage assessments. Paul’s wide-ranging responsibilities include project planning and management, Traditional Owner consultation, client and other stakeholder consultation, research, report writing, devising management strategies for heritage places and sites, GIS and mapping, field survey and excavation, photogrammetry, and spatial data management. One of his specialties is DGNSS/DGPS data collection and working with remote sensing data sets. Additionally, he has developed excellent working relationships with numerous clients, Traditional Owner groups, and government regulators in relation to archaeological investigations and the development of management strategies for cultural heritage.
Throughout his career, Paul has been involved in field survey and site identification and recording on a regular basis; on many occasions working in remote and challenging environments. He has also been instrumental in the integration of new technologies into archaeological fieldwork and site recording, such as photogrammetry and 3D modelling. His specialisation in GIS, mapping, and spatial analysis is well recognised, and has led to a number of contributions to peer reviewed research publications. Paul was recently invited to participate in a collaborative research project initiated by Aboriginal Victoria (AV) on the Cranbourne Sands in Victoria.
Anderson, W., Kucera, P., Scibilia, J., Watson, B., Negus Cleary, M., Petchey, F. and Mullett, R. 2021 ‘Dynamic landscape, dynamic practice: Aboriginal dwelling beside the Carran Carran-Durt’yowen floodplains (Thomson River-Latrobe River, Central Gippsland)’, in D. Kelly, D. Frankel, S. Lawrence, C. Spry and E. Foley (eds), Excavations, Surveys and Heritage Management in Victoria Volume 10:53–67. Access online;Filihia, M., P. Kucera, R. Minos and K. Oataway 2016 'Salvage Excavations at VAHR 7921-1151 'Lyndhurst Inland Port 6', Carrum Swamp: Analysis of the archaeological assemblage', in C. Spry, E. Foley, D. Frankel and S. Lawrence (eds), Excavations, Surveys and Heritage Management in Victoria Volume 5:7-15. Access online;Kucera, P., M. Filihia and J. Scibilia 2015 'Revisiting Toolern Creek: New Perspectives from recent investigations of Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register place 'Atherstone South 6'', in C. Spry, D. Frankel, S. Lawrence, I. Berelov, and S. Canning (eds), Excavations, Surveys and Heritage Management in Victoria Volume 4:27-34. Access online;Watson, B. and P. Kucera 2014 'Results of recent archaeological investigations along Wallpolla Creek, northwestern Victoria, Australia', in C. Spry, D. Frankel, S. Lawrence, I. Berelov, and S. Canning (eds), Excavations, Surveys and Heritage Management in Victoria Volume 3:33-42. Access online
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