Profile Details
Sharon Lane
Contact Details
0425 323 965
Watton St
Professional Details
Qu.A.C. Archaeology and Heritage / Alliance archaeology
BA (Hons) 1993, University of Melbourne , Grad Dip Hum 1995, La Trobe University, PhD 2008, University of Sydney
WA, Victoria, anywhere in Australia
Sharon began working in heritage consulting in Australia in 1994, and has worked on a wide range of projects since that time.
2018 229-241 Franklin Street, Melbourne (H7822-2042) Archaeological Excavation Report2014 98 Princes Highway, Port Fairy, CHMP 12917. Unpublished report to Golf Links Estates Pty Ltd (Qu.A.C.)2013 Portland Wind Energy Project Stage IV: Cape Sir William Grant and Cape Nelson North, CHMP 12857. Unpublished report to Pacific Hydro (Qu.A.C)2011 Cultural Heritage audit of the Allambie, Vaughans and Muldoons properties.Unpublished report to the Gunditj Mirring Aboriginal Corporation and AboriginalAffairs Victoria (Qu.A.C.)2008 Shifting Stones: the Aboriginal stone-based huts of the Mt Eccles stony rises. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Sydney2008 Identifying Aboriginal stone structures in southwestern Victoria. Report to Aboriginal Affairs Victoria ( Tyrendarra Cultural Heritage Assessment Project. Unpublished report to Aboriginal Affairs Victoria and the Winda Mara Aboriginal Corporation1999 Archaeological monitoring and sub-surface testing: South West Gas Pipeline,Victoria. Unpublished report to GPU GasNet (Biosis Research)1996 Further assessment of the cultural heritage values of the former CoranderrkAboriginal Reserve, archaeological report stage 1. Unpublished report to theCoranderrk Koori Co-op and Aboriginal Affairs Victoria (du Cros and Associates)1995 An archaeological investigation of the cottage at 17 Casselden Place, Melbourne. Unpublished report to the Heritage and Environment Group, Australian Construction Services (du Cros and Associates)
Lithic analysis
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