Journal PublicationsCanning, S (2010) Recent Archaeological Excavations of Pleistocene Deposits at Brimbank Park, Keilor, Victoria. With D. Griffin, P. Ricardi, and V. Flynn. Archaeological Heritage. Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 25-35 Canning, S (2009) Broad Scale palaeo-environmental reconstructions of south east Australia. The Artefact. Volume 32. Pp.4-14. Canning, S (2005) �BELIEF� in the Past: Dempster-Shafer theory, GIS, and archaeological predictive modelling. Australian Archaeology. Volume 60, pp. 6-15Canning, S. (2004) A Note on Shovel Test Pitting in Victorian CHM. AACAI Newsletter. 95 Pp. 11-14.Book ChaptersCanning, S and Spennemann, D.H.R (2001) Contested Space: Social Value and the assessment of cultural significance in New South Wales, Australia. In Cotter, M., Boyd, B., and Gardiner, J. (Eds.). Heritage Landscapes. Understanding Place and Communities. Pp. 457-468. Southern Cross University Press. Lismore.Academic ThesesCanning, S (1999) �Contested Space� - The role of Social Value in the Assessment of Cultural Significance. Unpublished Honours Thesis, Charles Sturt University, ThurgoonaCanning, S (2003) �Site Unseen� - Archaeology, Cultural Resource Management, Planning and Predictive Modelling in the Melbourne Metropolitan Area. Unpublished PhD Thesis, La Trobe University, BundooraConference Papers2011 'Giving the Past a Future' - Sustainable development and cultural heritage management. Conference paper delivered at the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand Annual conference, Twin Waters, Queensland. Selected Consulting Reports2012 Archaeological Site Identification Survey of Borrow Areas A137, A165 and A166. A report to YMAC and API. With Jakub Czastka, Edward Turner, Kendal Houghton, Matthew Wilson and Vanessa Flynn. 2012 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the proposed Werribee River Pedestrian Bridge, Werribee. With Jakub Czastka, Rebecca McMillan, Vanessa Flynn, Dr Frances Thiele and Dr Gillian Garvey2012 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for additional areas of the Mt Gellibrand Wind Farm. With J. Czastka, F. Schultz, F. Thiele and I. Berelov. 2011 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the Proposed Mt Gellibrand Wind Farm. With J. Czastka, F. Schultz, F. Thiele and I. Berelov. 2011 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for 47-53 Beverage Drive, Tullamarine. Industrial Subdivision. A CHMP for SP Partitions Pty Ltd. With V. Flynn and R. McMillan.2010 Cultural Heritage Guidance of Flora and Fauna Surveys for the James Price Point Access Road, Broome WA. A Report to Department of State Development, Western Australia.2010 Rio Tinto Hope Downs Iron Ore Project CHMP - ACHM Review on behalf of the Martidja Banyjima Native Title Claimant Group. Perth, Rio Tinto Iron Ore. With N. Draper.2010 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the Sherbrooke Backlog Sewer Project (Area C), Belgrave Heights, Victoria. With P. Ricardi, F. Thiele, J. Czastka, R. McMillan and I. Berelov.2010 Cultural Heritage guidance of Flora and Fauna Surveys for the James Price Point Access Road Broome, Western Australia.2010 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the Summerhill Residential Development. Stages 13-20 (CHMP 3 of 3). With V. Flynn, P. Saad and D. Griffin.2010 Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment of 7 Gay Street and 5 Hakea Court, Warrnambool. For Davis Langdon. With R. McMillan.2010 Indigenous Cultural Heritage and History within the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council�s Melbourne Metropolitan Investigation Area. A report to VEAC. With F. Thiele. 2010 Cultural Heritage Desktop Assessment for Ben More Wind Farm., A report to Transfield Services Ltd.2010 Ben More Wind Farm Desktop Cultural Heritage Assessment a report to Transfield Services Ltd.2009 Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment of 1, 3 and 5 Beardmore Street, Wodonga. A report to Department on Human Services. 2009 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the Proposed Brockman Resources Marillana Iron Ore Project. West Pilbara, Western Australia. 2009 A Synthesis of the 2003 and 2007 Post Bushfire Cultural Heritage Management Surveys with P. Ricardi and contributions by G. Wakelin-King and S. Quilford White.2009 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the Summerhill Housing Development � 230 Harvest Home Road, Wollert, Victoria (Stages 1-6). With D. Griffin, P. Ricardi, V. Flynn, and F. Thiele.2009 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the Summerhill Housing Development � Stages 13 - 20. With D. Griffin, P. Ricardi, V. Flynn and F. Thiele.2009 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the Summerhill Housing Development � Stages7a, 7b, 8,10,11 and 12. With D. Griffin, P. Ricardi, V. Flynn and F. Thiele. 2009 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the Sandgate Avenue Stage 1 Drain, Frankston, Victoria. With D. Griffin and P. Ricardi. 2009 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for Australand�s proposed residential sub-division, 865 Cranbourne-Frankston Road, Cranbourne, Victoria. With D. Griffin, P. Ricardi and F. Thiele. 2009 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the Construction of the Carrum Downs Police Station at 42 Ballarto Road, Frankston North, Victoria. With P. Ricardi and F. Thiele.2009 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for University Hill Transfer Mains Sewerage Pipeline�Further Works at Directional Drill Pit MH1, Bundoora, Victoria. With D. Griffin, P. Ricardi, and V. Flynn. 2009 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for Summerhill Housing Development � 230 Harvest Home Road, Wollert, Victoria. With D. Griffin, V. Flynn, P. Ricardi and F. Thiele. 2009 A desktop cultural heritage assessment for the proposed Yaloak South Wind Farm for Pacific Hydro Pty Ltd. With V. Flynn and F. Thiele. 2009 An Ethnographic Survey of the Rio Tinto Exploration Leisker, Mingah Yard, and Mingah East Tenements, East Pilbara, Western Australia. With F. Sutherland. 2009 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for a proposed sub-division at 55 Wadeson Rd, Hurstbridge. With V. Flynn. 2009 An Ethnographic Survey of the FMG Flinders Exploration Drilling Program, East Pilbara, WA. With F. Sutherland. 2009 An Ethnographic Survey of the Lamb Creek Iron Ore Holdings Tenement, East Pilbara, WA. With Fiona Sutherland.2009 Peer Review of the Draft Frankston Bypass CHMP by Andrew Long and Associates. For ARUP Sustainability. 2009 An Ethnographic Survey of the Koodaideri South Iron Ore Holdings Tenements, East Pilbara, WA. With F. Sutherland.2009 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for an Evaluation Drilling Program by Beadell Resources at Clonbinane, Victoria, A CHMP for Beadell Resources. With P. Ricardi.2009 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for an Exploration Drilling Program at Clonbinane, Victoria. With P. Ricardi. 2009 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for Stages 2C and 7- 10, Vantage Point Housing Development, 690 Bridge Inn Road, Doreen, Victoria. With D. Griffin, P. Ricardi and F. Thiele.2009 Ethnographic Assessment of the Rio Tinto Exploration Leisker and Enterprise Tenements, East Pilbara, Western Australia.2009 Ethnographic Assessment of the Iron Ore Holdings Koodaideri and Lamb Creek Tenements, East Pilbara, Western Australia.2009 Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment of 32 McKenzie Street, Alexandra, Victoria, A report to Johnstaff Projects Pty Ltd.2008 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for St Kevin�s Primary School, Lower Templestowe, Victoria. With J. Ward and P. Ricardi. 2008 Narre Warren South Tennis Complex, Narre Warren, Victoria Cultural Heritage Management Plan. With V. Flynn.2008 Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment of the GVW Site, Dry Creek Road, Heathcote Junction, Victoria. Melbourne, A report to SMEC Australia. With P. Ricardi.2008 Cultural Heritage Management Plan for 60 Brush Road, Epping, Victoria A CHMP for Salvatore Tartagliu. With J. Ward, D. Griffin, P. Ricardi and V. Flynn2008 Thomson Catchment DSE Fire Break Construction Program Voluntary Cultural Heritage Management Plan, Near Aberfeldy, Gippsland, Victoria. With D. Griffin, J. Ward and V. Flynn.2008 Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment of Beacon Hills Golf Course A report to SM Urban Consulting.2008 Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment of Epping Branch Sewer 2 & 3, Epping, Victoria, A report to MWH Ltd.2008 Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment of the GVW site, Dry Creek Road, Heathcote Junction, Victoria.2007 DTEI Northern Expressway Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan. With P. Czerwinski2007 Cultural Heritage Management Plan WEL Pluto Industrial Site B, Burrup Peninsula, WA. With N. Draper and D. Mott.2007 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Survey of three areas within the Yilgarn Mining (WA) Tenement (E 47/1408), Marillana Region, Pilbara, WA. With S. Damhuis and L. Williams.2007 Oral History and Native Title Interviews with Maitland Parker, Slim Parker and Eric Carey. Weeli Wooli Creek, east Pilbara, WA. Filmed by Clive Taylor Productions.2007 Cultural Heritage Management Plan Retrieval and Relocation of Heritage Sites and Bulk Earthworks Phase WEL Pluto Industrial Site A, Burrup Peninsula, WA. With N. Draper and D. Mott2007 Cultural Heritage Management Plan Coastal Dunes WEL Pluto Industrial Site A, Burrup Peninsula, WA. With N. Draper, D. Mott, P. Czerwinski, and A. Maland.2007 Cultural Heritage Management Plan Pioneer Works Phase WEL Pluto Industrial Site A, Burrup Peninsula, WA. With N. Draper and D. Mott.2007 An Overview of Aboriginal Heritage Management Procedures for the Early Works Phase for the WEL Pluto Development, Industrial Site A, Burrup Peninsula, WA. With P. Czerwinski.2007 Archaeological and Geophysical Investigations of the Coastal Dune Areas, Holden Beach LNG Pipeline Crossing - WEL Pluto Industrial Area A. With I. Moffat, N. Draper, P. Czerwinski, D. Cropper and A. Maland.2007 Results of the Rock Art and Stone Artefact Scatter Relocation Program on Industrial Site A for the Woodside Energy Limited Pluto Development, Burrup Peninsula, WA. With P. Czerwinski2007 Woodside Energy Limited North West Shelf Joint Venture Aboriginal Sites Audit. With N. Draper, D. Mott, P. Czerwinski and A. Maland.2006 An Ethnographic Survey of the BHP Billiton �South Flank� Project Area, Martidja Banyjima Native Title Claim Area, East Pilbara, Western Australia. A Report to Karijini Developments Pty Ltd, Hindmarsh, Adelaide. 2006 Review of Internal Cultural Heritage Management Systems for Rio Tinto Exploration Pty Ltd. With N. Draper2005 An Ethnographic Inspection of the East Angelas (E47/00429) Tenement, Near Newman, Western Australia. A report for the Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation.2003 Desktop Study of the Old Coburg High School. A report to Consolidated Property Services Pty Ltd and TMA Asset Services Pty Ltd, Melbourne.2002 Archaeological Survey: Brimin Sand and Haulage Stage 2 Quarry. A report to Brimin Sand and Haulage Pty Ltd, Rutherglen.2001 A report of an archaeological survey of the �Janefield� block, Plenty Gorge Parklands, South Morang, Victoria. A report to Parks Victoria, Melbourne.